“A must for all parents who have children involved in ANY competitive sport.”
Get clear, easy to implement, psychology backed support for you and your child athlete to excel at their sport whilst your parent-child relationship thrives.
If your child is involved in competitive sport at any level you might find that…
They (and you!) are overwhelmed by how totally full-on it is - it can be stressful, time-consuming and bewildering, and it impacts the whole family.
You dread competitions and events because you feel helpless, you always say the wrong things and your child reacts badly to your words, leading to the dreaded emotional outburst or even worse a shut down.
Maybe you’re wondering if you’ve even made the right choice for your child. After all, not many other parents really understand and many aren’t supportive. It can be a lonely road to be the parent of a child athlete.
Here’s what I know to be true.
Child athletes face unique challenges, from dealing with pressure and expectations to managing their time effectively and you’re their buffer and their support.
The stress and pressure of competition doesn’t compare to anything else at that point in their life, and how you, the parent acts, really matters.
Parenting a child athlete IS hard. It IS confusing and stressful and overwhelming and all the things. There’s a LOT to think about, and very little real support for you.
But it doesn’t have to be that way

Imagine if, instead of feeling like everything you say makes things worse, you had a set of guidelines with science and psychology-backed suggestions about how you can best support your child in their chosen sport?
Instead of dreading events, you felt calm and confident and in control? Not only that but you were able to effectively encourage your child without all the challenging conversations.
You want the best for your child. You want them to enjoy their sport and be the best they can be, and you also would love to help them relax a bit more so they aren’t constantly questioning themselves about whether they’re good enough.
If that sounds like something you need, I’d love to introduce Super-P.

Through 10 years of parenting a child athlete myself, plus undertaking a PhD in this exact field, speaking to hundreds of parents and conducting in-depth research, I have developed a positive parenting communication style called the Super-P Approach.
Super-P is designed to be used during the car ride home from training and any time you are talking about your child’s sport.
The Super-P approach is proven to significantly reduce child worry levels, create better parent/child communication and improve competition results.
It’s easy to learn, easy to remember and easy to implement.
Super-P leads to a happy Champ and a happy Parent!
My Super-P workshop is fun to watch. It will teach you the scientific research behind Super-P and help you understand why Super-P is so effective and important.
You’ll gain valuable insights and tools to improve communication with your child athlete. Effective communication is key to building a strong relationship with your child athlete. In this workshop, you'll learn proven strategies to improve communication and strengthen your bond with your child.
You’ll get science and psychology backed approaches to parenting child athletes. Super-P is based on the latest research in science and psychology, ensuring that you have access to the most effective and up-to-date strategies for supporting your child athlete.
The Super-P Approach will improve your child's performance through practical strategies to keep your child calm. This will help your child athlete perform better in competitions and events.
You’ll be able to find support and connect with other parents on the journey through our exclusive private Facebook group. Parenting a child athlete can be a challenging and rewarding experience, as you know. In our Facebook group, you'll have the opportunity to gain further knowledge and tools through my regular livestreams. This community is only available to my clients.

★★★★★Super-P is a cleverly put together, interesting approach that makes a lot of sense, plus it comes from someone who actually has a child athlete herself. It’s a practical parenting framework that is very easy to implement. The training really made me think about certain things (food, nutrition and sleep) and I’m interested to learn more about aspects of life that can really help our girls inside and outside of training. Thank you for thinking about the role of parents of child athletes, it’s really important that we get it right for them.
★★★★★This is a fantastic programme, providing well-researched and insightful advice for any parent supporting a child athlete. Jen is knowledgable and articulate, and has created a set of strategies to empower and reassure parents in a context where there is otherwise lots of pressure, and little guidance. It has helped me, and therefore also my daughter, enormously, and I feel very lucky to have found it.
★★★★★ I didn’t realise I was saying the wrong things to help my child keep feeling confident. It was silly little things I would talk about which seemed encouraging but it wasn’t! This course is very interesting and after listening to everything said I then understood were I was going wrong.
If you would like help supporting your athlete then I would highly recommend this course.
★★★★★ Highly recommend Jen and her super-p approach! Simple strategies to support not only the child but the parent too. Jen’s experience and knowledge (based on the research) is invaluable, and should be a prerequisite for parents of athletes. Thanks so much, I’m truly grateful for your expertise and support on our gymnastic journey.
Here’s the thing. You and I both know that you’re time-poor and most of your spare money goes on competitions, team clothing and training.
I also know the true value of what’s contained within the Super-P Approach. I’m so passionate about getting it into the hands of as many parents as possible, which is why it’s so accessible and easy to implement.
It’s a small but mighty package which delivers huge results.
As soon as you implement the Super-P Approach, your communication with your child around their sport will improve. As a parent, your relationship with your child is one of the most important factors in their overall well-being. By improving communication, understanding their needs, and supporting them in their athletic pursuits, you'll strengthen your bond with your child athlete.
You’ll get strategies for managing your own emotions as a parent. Parenting a child athlete can be emotionally challenging. In this workshop, you'll learn strategies for managing your own emotions and staying calm and focused, even in high-pressure situations so that you can effectively support your child too.
You’ll be investing in your child's future. With the skills and strategies you'll learn, you'll be better equipped to support your child athlete in achieving their goals and reaching their full potential and you’ll be raising a happy little champ.
★★★★★Super-P is a cleverly put together, interesting approach that makes a lot of sense, plus it comes from someone who actually has a child athlete herself. It’s a practical parenting framework that is very easy to implement. The training really made me think about certain things (food, nutrition and sleep) and I’m interested to learn more about aspects of life that can really help our girls inside and outside of training. Thank you for thinking about the role of parents of child athletes, it’s really important that we get it right for them.
Continue to struggle with communication and support for your child athlete, or invest in a 90-minute workshop with a parenting coach who specializes in coaching and supporting parents of child athletes to improve communication, gain valuable insights and tools for better competition results, and connect with other parents on the journey?
Would you rather continue to helplessly watch your child athlete struggle with nerves and anxiety before and during competitions, or learn some really practical and easy to implement strategies for keeping your child calm, focused, and motivated during competitions and events?
Would you rather continue to feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained by the challenges of parenting a child athlete, or learn strategies for managing your own emotions as a parent, and invest in your child's future success?
The ripple effect of Super-P goes far beyond you, your child and their competition results. Super-P will positively impact every area of your family for years to come.

Is Super-P just for gymnasts?
No! Super-P is perfect for ANY sport! I have designed it using sport psychology research from all sports.
My child doesn't compete at their sport - is Super-P still helpful?
I generally say that Super-P is designed for parents whose children are involved with competitive sport.
My child has only just started out - should I wait until they are at a higher level?
My recommendation is to arm yourself as early as possible! I wish that I had walked into Lily's first competition with this knowledge. You will never forget the lessons you learn and Super-P will grow and develop with you as your child's sport career progresses
My Child is a teenager - is Super-P just for younger children?
Super-P has successful results for children of all ages. If you are still involved with your child's sport then you will still find Super-P useful and reassuring.
I have been doing this for years - is there anything more to learn?
There is always something that you can learn. I have helped very experienced parents, even one mum who was an ex-gymnast, coach and had teenage children found my course very informative and enlightening.
I am a coach - can you come and talk to my club?
Yes! I would be delighted to! Please see my COACHES page for further details
Are you going to lecture me? Don't think I can handle any more judgement!
I totally hear you! I understand your reticence and reluctance… Don't worry! I am a huge advocate of parents in sport - you'll get nothing but empathy and advice from me - not even a smidgin of judgement or a scrap of lecturing!