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The SUPER-P Approach - Parents! Bring out the best in you and YOUR CHAMPION!

  • 13 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


Learn how to support your child on their sport journey. Scientifically proven to 1. Reduce worry in child athletes 2. Improve competition results 3. Improve communication between parent and child 4. Improve a child's experience of sport 5. Improve the parent's experience - more relaxed, reassured and confident parents! This 90 minute workshop has been designed for PARENTS OF CHILD ATHLETES (by the parent of a child athlete). Don't let the amazing cost fool you - I want this to be as accessible as possible. Watch in your own time, as many times as you want! Drop in and out, broken down into short sections. NO JUDGEMENT HERE! Being the parent of an elite child athlete as well as an expert in youth sport parenting I am in the unique position of being able to both empathize with you and guide you I have designed the Super-P approach using recommendations from Sport Psychology research. It is an easy to remember acronym that embodies the Sport Psychology recommendations of how best parents can support their young athletes. Child Sport is on the increase and parents are rarely given any advice on how to raise their children in this high-pressure environment. It is proven that what we do really matters; it not only affects our children’s chances of succeeding in their chosen sport but will also affect how they experience their journey. Parents that I have interviewed and worked with have reported feeling a bit helpless and unsure of their role in sport. My Super-P approach give guidelines for every situation you will encounter and ensures that you step into the world of child sport feeling more relaxed, reassured, and confident. My Super-P approach has been scientifically proved to reduce worry and anxiety in child athletes and improves communication between parent and child and has also shown improved competition results.

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Premium Parenting Plan!


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